SunDAy Mornings

9th-12th grade students join us upstairs for our service! This is intentional. As students transition out of elementary/middle school having learned and grown in a “children's” program we now want to include them in our service for further growth and understanding.  

We want teenagers to be able to upon graduation and possibly moving away from their home to be able to plug into a church family anywhere they go.  If they never step foot inside the sanctuary on a Sunday morning, how will they know what to look for?  We believe the 4 years that a teenager will spend attending a church service is HIGHLY beneficial for the future of their faith.

mid week / youth group

Our heart and passion here at The Well is for the next generation! We know that the youth of today are an important part of our churches.

We are in the midst of building a youth group here at The Well and anticipating all that God has in store for the youth in our community!

Join us on this journey and be a part of leading our youth to encounter Jesus!

Any questions? Email Pastor Pelly

“Jesus replied, ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

-Matthew 22:37